In many areas, learning involves understanding complex spatial phenomena. For example, engineers must master the construction of machines as a prerequisite for maintenance, and the spatial composition of molecules is an important task in chemistry. Medical students have considerable difficulties in imagining the spatial relations within the human body, which they must learn in anatomy. With interactive 3D computer graphics based on high-resolution geometric models, we can explore these spatial relations. To exploit this potential, we’ve combined some new dedicated 3D interaction and visualization techniques in a system inspired by a 3D puzzle.
@article{Ritter2001Virtual3Dpuzzles, author = {F. Ritter, T. Strothotte, O. Deussen, B. Preim}, doi = {10.1109/38.946625}, journal = {IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications}, number = {5}, pages = {11--13}, title = {Virtual 3D puzzles: a new method for exploring geometric models in VR}, url = {}, volume = {21}, year = {2001} }