Conventionally, stippling is an effective technique for representing surfaces in pen-and-ink. We present new efficient methods for stipple drawings by computer. In contrast to already existing techniques, arbitrary shapes can be used in place of dots. An extension of Lloyd’s Method enables us to position small objects on a plane in a visually pleasing form. This allows us to generate new illustration styles. Similar methods can be used for positioning objects in other applications.
@article{Hiller2003stipplingMethodsDistributing, author = {S. Hiller, H. Hellwig, O. Deussen}, doi = {10.1111/1467-8659.00699}, issn = {0167-7055}, journal = {Computer Graphics Forum}, number = {3}, pages = {515--522}, title = {Beyond stippling - Methods for Distributing Objects on the Plane}, url = {}, volume = {22}, year = {2003} }