Visual Computing

University of Konstanz
Computer Graphics Forum

Flower Reconstruction from a Single Photo

F. Yan, M. Gong, D. Cohen-Or, O. Deussen, B. Chen
Teaser of Flower Reconstruction from a Single Photo


Paper (.pdf, 36.7MB)


We present a method for reconstructing flower models from a single photograph. Such reconstruction is challenging since the 3D structure of a flower can appear ambiguous in projection. However, the flower head typically consists of petals embedded in 3D space that share similar shapes and form certain level of regular structure. Our technique employs these assumptions by first fitting a cone and subsequently a surface of revolution to the flower structure and then computing individual petal shapes from their projection in the photo. Flowers with multiple layers of petals are handled through processing different layers separately. Occlusions are dealt with both within and between petal layers. We show that our method allows users to quickly generate a variety of realistic 3D flowers from photographs and to animate an image using the underlying models reconstructed from our method.


  acmid      = {2771486},
  address    = {Chichester, UK},
  author     = {F. Yan, M. Gong, D. Cohen-Or, O. Deussen, B. Chen},
  doi        = {10.1111/cgf.12332},
  issn       = {0167-7055},
  issue_date = {May 2014},
  journal    = {Computer Graphics Forum},
  keywords   = {Categories and Subject Descriptors according to ACM CCS:, I.3.5 [Computer Graphics]: Computational Geometry and Object Modeling-, I.3.7 [Computer Graphics]: Three-Dimensional Graphics and Realism-},
  month      = {may},
  number     = {2},
  numpages   = {9},
  pages      = {439--447},
  publisher  = {The Eurographs Association & John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.},
  title      = {Flower Reconstruction from a Single Photo},
  url        = {},
  volume     = {33},
  year       = {2014}